My Interview on the Suggested Donation Podcast is now Available!

I had so much fun talking with artists Ted Minoff, Tony Curanaj and their sound editor/moderator Jay Braun a couple weeks ago in New York. They recorded our conversation to include in their amazing series of artist interviews for their Suggested Donation podcast. I talk about my artistic journey as an artist, how I discovered classical realism, what this kind of education has meant for me. We also laugh a LOT.
Available streaming or as a free download through iTunes here:
Reader Comments (4)
I wish I had been able to go through a school like yours, instead I patched together an art education as best I could. Sadly inadequate, but you do what you can. It is wonderful to see these skills coming back for all of us who want to paint realistically.
I discovered you thanks to this podcast. You were so inspiring and charming on the podcast and I'm happy to find your blog. I'd definitely be into another one if you decide to return! I don't paint realistically but I am classically trained (with drawing the figure and such since age 11 at the Drawing Studio LI with Jeffrey K. Fisher and then in HS followed by college art classes) -- I can relate to the podcast nonetheless. I'm interested in purchasing your alla prima video -- a technique I use a lot in my non-realistic work. Whether one paints realistically or not; all these techniques are important to know how to do. Learning how to see and getting proportions and light/shadow right is important for all painters. If I was in SF I'd love to meet you and take a class.
I'm glad I didn't go to a overrated private school. I went to FIT in NYC -- loved every bit of it (even the liberal arts that State schools make you take). They have classes in old-master techniques (Anthony Martino teaches it), etc. as well. I admire your courage in sharing your journey -- I'm glad it all worked out for you in the end. I'd love to take some classes again at some point; at the moment I'm stranded in the French Alps and learning a lot my experimenting on my own and learning about some new techniques via the Internet.
Feel free to check out my site. Take care!